Useful HTML5 Features, Part 5
Great article
Python: A shareable Todo lists/notes web app with web2py Part 1
Great write up
Creating a Windows app in HTML, CSS, jQuery & PHP using TideSDK
Super article I really like this and now developing windows app.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics Part 1
Very Good, Basics but Good way to understand it 🙂
Useful HTML5 Features
Nice explanation. Thanks for the article.
Creating useful Command Line (cli) Apps with PHP
A good one!
Creating an offline app using HTML5 Cache and Underscore Template
Great tutorial…
thanx for sharing…
Creating a countdown timer with Vanilla JavaScript
Thank you Ivan 🙂
Creating a countdown timer with Vanilla JavaScript
this is very cool…..
Creating PDFs from HTML and CSS with PHP and Dompdf
Thank you very much.
Setting up your database and tables in Laravel 5
Thanks for this tutorial… I had problem in connecting to the database buh now av been able to connect to my database… tnx
How to create a Shortcode for your WordPress Theme
awesome tutorial..
thanks so much.
I’ll try it.
Editing images with PHP (Creating a custom certificate for users)
nice script and very usefully, GOD bless you
Using PHP and SimpleXML to parse WordPress feeds
Nice to see how you can use simple array functions to build upon data!
Load data while Scrolling Page down with jQuery AJAX
Thank you for your great article!
Instead of using jQuery, we can use an extension to make scroll easier
For Magento 2, Infinite Scroll extension can be an optimized solution when it allows loading next pages without pagination by using Ajax loading or Load more button. When customers scroll down the page, products are automatically loaded. Moreover, with integration with lazy image loading, product images only appears when scrolling down, which can make site speed faster .